Monday, February 27, 2017

Where Do You Live? (Part 2)

Where Do You Live? (Part 2)

27 Feb 2017

It has just been brought to my attention that there' a new, really great video tour of the station up on the youtubes.  Kate is a high school teacher from Virginia who came down for a good chunk of the summer as part of an outreach program.  She spent her time mainly helping the IceCube neutrino astronomy project and doing lots of outreach to school kids back in the states.

If you'd like to see a full tour of where I spend my days, check her out!


  1. How about a video tour of the tunnels? :)

  2. Will you settle for still photos? I did my requisite tunnel tour a few weeks ago. I haven't been posting much lately because for ~2 weeks we had satellite issues which reduced internet speeds to ~1 kb/s at times. Now that the internet works decently again, our satellite window is right in the middle of the day, and I'm bad at remembering to post blogs when I'm typically at work. Hopefully soon I'll remember to put up a flurry of posts.
